Our courses aim to strengthen students’ understanding of how race, class, gender, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, religion, and age interact to define identities and social relations.  The program brings cohesion to a variety of courses selected to increase students’ critical thinking about issues of diversity. 

Be sure to check for accurate times and availability on the official UW time schedule. Recent changes will not be reflected on this document.


Foundations Course Titles Areas Quarters Offered (Recently)
AES 151 Introduction to the Cultures of American Ethnic Groups (5) I&S A/C, C/I, (F) Sp
AES 212 Comparative American Ethnic Literature (5) VLPA/I&S A/C, (F) W, Sp
AIS 102 Introduction to American Indian Studies (5) A/C, H, (F) A
ANTH 228 Identities (5) I&S (F) W
C LIT 323 Studies in the Literature of Emerging Nations (5) VLPA A/C, C/I, G, (F) A,Sp
COM 289 Communication and Difference (5) I&S C/I, (F) W,Su
GWSS 200 Introduction to Women Studies (5) I&S H, C/I, (F) A,W,Sp,Su
HSTAA 105 The Peoples of the United States (5) I&S H, (F) W
HSTLAC 185 Race, Gender, and Class in Latin America and the Caribbean (5) I&S H, (F) A
LSJ/CHID/DIS ST 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5) I&S C/I, (F) A
PSYCH 250 Racism and Minority Groups (5) I&S C/I, (F) A,Sp

*Foundations classes taught by other faculty may still count toward the minor.

Areas of Knowledge. This course listing is organized by department and includes regularly offered courses. Please utilize Ctrl+F/Command+F to find courses by Area of Knowledge. Information on the Applications category and the Diversity Minor Course criteria can be found at the bottom of this page. Visit this link for a full list of Infrequently Offered Courses that qualify for the Diversity Minor. 

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*Please note that some of these classes will first be offered to students within the major, and some will require Add Codes from the course instructors.

American Ethnic Studies (AES) ()

Course Title Area of Knowledge Quarter Offered
AAS 101 Introduction to Asian American Cultures (5) I&S H, C/I Sp
AAS 206 Contemporary Problems of Asian Americans (5) I&S C/I Win
AAS 330 Asian American Theater (5) VLPA A/C, H Au, Su
AAS 350 Chinese American History and Culture (5) I&S H, C/I Win
AAS 360 Filipino-American History and Culture (5) I&S H, C/I Au
AAS 370 Japanese-American History and Culture (5) I&S C/I, H Au
AAS 372 Internment Camps in North America: United States and Canada (5) I&S C/I, H Win
AAS 392 Asian-American Women (5) I&S, w/ GWSS 392 C/I, H Au
AAS 395 Southeast-Asian Americans: History and Culture (5) I&S H, C/I Au
AAS 402 Contemporary Asian-American Literature (5) VLPA C/I, A/C Sp
AES 150 Introductory History of American Ethnic Groups (5) I&S H Au
AES 151 Introduction to the Cultures of American Ethnic Groups (5) I&S C/I, A/C, (F) Sp
AES 212 Comparative American Ethnic Literature (5) VLPA/I&S A/C, (F) W, Sp
AES 333 Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. Military (5) I&S C/I Sp
AES 340 Race, Ethnicity, and Education (5) I&S C/I, A/C Win
AFRAM 101 Introduction to African American Studies (5) I&S C/I, A/C, H Au
AFRAM 150 Introduction to African-American History (5) I&S, w/ HSTAA 150 H Win
AFRAM 220 Third World Images in Film (5) I&S/VLPA A/C Sp
AFRAM 246 African American Politics (5) I&S, w/ AFRAM 246, w/ POL S 246 C/I  
AFRAM 260 African American Family (5) I&S, w/ SOC 260 C/I Win
AFRAM 272 History of the South Since the Civil War (5) I&S H Win
AFRAM 315 Black Identities and Political Power (5) I&S, w/ POL S 315 C/I  
AFRAM 334 The Sixties in America: Conflict, Confrontation, and Concession, w/ HSTAA 334 H  
AFRAM 337 Music and Social Change in the Sixties Era (5) I&S/VLPA H, A/C Win
AFRAM 358 Literature of Black Americans (5) VLPA, w/ ENGL 358 A/C Sp
AFRAM 370 Afro-American Political Thought (5) I&S C/I Win
AFRAM 437 Blacks in American Law (5) I&S C/I  
CHSTU 101 Introduction to Chicano Studies (5) I&S C/I, H  
CHSTU 200 Latinos in the United States (5) I&S C/I, H  
CHSTU 254 Northwest Latinos: History, Community, Culture(5) I&S C/I, H Win
CHSTU 255 Mexican Women: Past and Present (5) I&S H Au
CHSTU 256 Chicanas: Gender and Race Issues (5) I&S C/I Sp
CHSTU 260 Introduction to Chicano Politics (5) I&S C/I Win
CHSTU 330 Chicano/Chicana Autobiography (5) I&S A/C Au
CHSTU 332 Chicano Film and Narrative (5) I&S/VLPA, w/ SPAN 332 H, A/C Win
CHSTU 352 Mexican Immigration: A Comparative Analysis (5) I&S C/I Win
CHSTU 416 Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States (5) I&S, w/ ANTH 416 G, H  
CHSTU 465 Contemporary Chicano Literature (5) I&S/VLPA, w/ SPAN 465 G, A/C Sp

American Indian Studies (AIS)()

Course Title Area of Knowledge Quarter Offered
AIS 102 Survey of American Indian Studies (5) I&S H, A/C  
AIS 201 Introduction to American Indian Histories (5) I&S H  
AIS 202 Introduction to Contemporary Experience in Indian America (5) I&S C/I  
AIS 203 Introduction: Philosophical and Aesthetic Universes (5) I&S A/C Sp
AIS 270 Native Peoples of the Pacific Northwest (5) I&S H Sp
AIS 335 American Indians and the Law (5) I&S C/I Au
AIS 340 Indian Children and Families (5) I&S C/I  
AIS 360 American Indians in Cinema (5) VLPA/I&S A/C  
AIS 379 Powwow: Tradition and Innovation (5) VLPA/I&S A/C Sp
AIS 431 History of American Indian Education (5) I&S H  
AIS 443 Indigenous Film, Sovereign Visions (5) VLPA/I&S, w/ COM 443 C/I, A/C Sp

Anthropology (ANTH)()

Course Title Area of Knowledge Quarter Offered
ANTH 228 Identities (5) I&S (F) W
ANTH 307 U.S. Pacific Islander Contemporary Culture (5) I&S, w/ AAS 300 C/I, H  
ANTH 314 Ethnography, Transnationalism, and Community in Island Southeast Asia/Asian America (5) w/ AAS 314 G, C/I  
ANTH 330 Religion, Identity and Cultural Pluralism (5) I&S, w/ RELIG 330 C/I  
ANTH 345 Women and International Economic Development (5) I&S, w/ SIS 345/GWSS 345 G, C/I  
ANTH 353 Anthropological Studies of Women (5) I&S, w/GWSS 353 C/I  
ANTH 416 Comparative Social Movements: Mexico and the United States (5) I&S, w/ CHSTU 416 G, H  
ANTH 446 Class and Culture in East Asia (5) I&S, w/ SISEA 443 G  
ANTH 459 Culture, Ecology, and Politics (5) I&S, w/ ENVIR 459 C/I  
ANTH 484 Ideologies and Technologies of Motherhood (5) I&S (5), w/ GWSS 458 G, C/I  

Art History (ART H)()

ART H 233 Survey of Native Art of the Pacific Northwest Coast (5) VLPA/I&S H, A/C
*Offered Once a Year
ART H 333 Indigenous Body Adornment (5) VLPA G, A/C
*Offered Once a Year

American Sign Language (ASL)()

ASL 305 Introduction to Deaf Culture (3) I&S A/C, C/I, H Sp

Comparative History of Ideas (CHID)()

CHID 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5) I&S, w/ DIS ST 230 and LSJ 230 C/I, (F)  
CHID 260 Re-Thinking Diversity (5) I&S C/I, H
*Offered Once a Year
CHID 332 Disability and Society (5) I&S, w/ DIS ST 332 and LSJ 332 C/I  
CHID 433 Disability, Law, Policy, and the Community (5) I&S w/ DIS ST 433 and LSJ 433 C/I  
CHID 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People (5) I&S w/ DIS ST 434 and LSJ 434 C/I  

Classics (CLAS)()

CLAS 326 Women in Antiquity (3) I&S/VLPA H  
CLAS 328 Sex, Gender, and Representation in Greek and Roman Literature (3) I&S/VLPA H, A/C  

Communication (COM)()

COM 289 Communication and Difference (5) I&S C/I, (F)
COM 306 Media, Society and Political Identity (5) I&S, w/ POL S 306 C/I
COM 389 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Media (5) I&S w/ AES 389/GWSS 389 C/I
COM 389 Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Media (5) I&S, w/ AES 389/GWSS 389 C/I
COM 443 Indigenous Film, Sovereign Visions (5) VLPA/I&S, w/ AIS 443 C/I, A/C
COM 484 Cultural Codes in Communication (5) I&S/VLPA A/C

Dance (DANCE)()

DANCE 250 Cross-Cultural Dance Studies (1-5, max. 8) I&S/VLPA A/C
DANCE 336 Integrated Dance: History, Methodology, and Praxis (3, max. 9) VLPA/I&S A/C

Disability Studies (DIS ST)()

DIS ST 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5) I&S, w/ CHID 230 and LSJ 230 C/I
DIS ST 433 Disability, Law, Policy, and the Community (5) I&S w/ CHID 433 and LSJ 433 C/I
DIS ST 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People (5) I&S w/ CHID 434 and LSJ 434 C/I

Education (EDUC)()

EDUC 310 Current Issues in Education (5, max. 10) I&S C/I

English (ENGL)()

ENGL 207 Introduction to Cultural Studies (5) VLPA C/I, A/C
ENGL 257 Introduction to Asian-American Literature (5) VLPA A/C
ENGL 258 African-American Literature: 1745 to Present (5) VLPA, w/ AFRAM 214 A/C
ENGL 316 Postcolonial Literature and Culture (5, max. 10) VLPA C/I
ENGL 358 Literature of Black Americans (5) VLPA, w/ AFRAM 358 A/C
ENGL 466 Gay and Lesbian Studies (5) I&S/VLPA A/C
ENGL 478 Language and Social Policy (5) I&S/VLPA C/I
ENGL 479 Language Variation and Language Policy in North America (5) I&S/VLPA C/I

Environmental Studies (ENVIR)()

ENVIR 459 Culture, Ecology, and Politics (5) I&S, w/ ANTH 459 C/I

Earth and Space Sciences (ESS)()

ESS 307 Diversity Outreach in Earth and Space Sciences (3-5) C/I
*Offered once a year

Geography (GEOG)()

GEOG 310 Immigrant America: Trends and Policies from a Geographic Perspective (5) I&S G, C/I Sp
GEOG 476 Women and the City (5) I&S, w/ GWSS 476 C/I  

German (GERMAN)()

GERMAN 295 The Contributions of German Jews to German Cultures (5) I&S/VLPA G Sp

Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (GWSS)()

GWSS 200 Introduction to Women Studies (5) I&S H, C/I, (F)  
GWSS 206 Philosophy of Feminism (5) I&S, w/ PHIL 206/POL S 212 C/I  
GWSS 257 Psychology of Gender (5) I&S, w/ PSYCH 257 C/I  
GWSS 310 Women and the Law (5) I&S C/I  
GWSS 313 Women in Politics (5) I&S, w/ POL S 313 C/I Su
GWSS 322 Race, Class, and Gender (5) I&S, w/ AES 322 C/I, H  
GWSS 345 Women and International Economic Development (5) I&S, w/ ANTH 345/JSIS B 345 G, C/I  
GWSS 350 Women in Law and Literature (5) I&S/VLPA, w/ CHID 350 C/I, A/C  
GWSS 353 Anthropological Studies of Women (5) I&S, w/ ANTH 353 C/I  
GWSS 357 Psychobiology of Women (5) NW, w/ PSYCH 357 C/I  
GWSS 392 Asian-American Women (5) I&S, w/ AAS 392 C/I, H  
GWSS 427 Women and Violence (5) I&S C/I  
GWSS 440 Reading Native American Women's Lives (5) I&S, w/ AIS 440 H, A/C  
GWSS 442 Images of Natives in the Cinema and Popular Cultures (5) I&S/VLPA, w/ AIS 442 H, A/C  
GWSS 455 Contemporary Feminist Theory C/I  
GWSS 485 Issues for Ethnic Minorities and Women In Science and Engineering (3/5) I&S, w/ PHYS 451 C/I  

History (HIST)()

HSTAA 105 The Peoples of the United States (5) I&S H, (F) W
HSTAA 150 Introduction to African-American History (5) I&S, w/ AFRAM 150 H  
HSTAA 205 Asian American History (5) I&S H Sp
HSTAA 225 American Slavery (5) I&S H  
HSTAA 231 Race and American History (5) I&S H A
HSTAA 334 The Sixties in America: Conflict, Confrontation, and Concession, AFRAM 334 H  
HSTAA 336 American Jewish History Since 1885 (5) I&S, w/ JSIS A 336 H  
HSTAA 353 Class and Labor in American History (5) I&S H Sp
HSTAA 417 Indians in Western Washington History (3) I&S, w/ AIS 425 H  
HSTAS 221 History of Southeast Asia (5) I&S, w/ JSIS A 221 G, H  
HSTCMP 250 Introduction to Jewish Cultural History (5) I&S, w/ JEW ST 250 G, H  

HSTEU 368 Modern European Jewish History (5) I&S, w/ JSIS A 368
H, G  
HSTLAC 185 Race, Gender, and Class in Latin America and the Caribbean (5) I&S H, (F) A

Jewish Studies (JEW ST)()

JEW ST 250 Introduction to Jewish Cultural History (5) I&S, w/ HSTCMP 250 G, H
JEW ST 336 American Jewish History Since 1885 (5) I&S, w/ HSTAA 336 H
JEW ST 368 Modern European Jewish History (5) I&S, w/ HSTEU 368 H, G

 International Studies (JSIS)()

JSIS 123 Introduction to Globalization (5) I&S, w/ GEOG 123 G
JSIS A 205 Filipino Histories (5) I&S, w/ HIST 205 H, G
JSIS A 355 Social Change in Latin America (5) I&S, w/ SOC 355 G
JSIS B 145 Introduction to Judaism (5) I&S G
JSIS B 310 State-Society Relations in Third World Countries (5) I&S G, C/I
JSIS B 329 Religion, Identity, and Cultural Pluralism (5) I&S, w/ ANTH 330 C/I
JSIS B 406 Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism (5) I&S, w/ POL S 432 G
JSIS B 438 Jewish Women in Contemporary America (5) I&S, w/ GWSS 438 C/I

Law, Societies, and Justice (LSJ)

LSJ 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5) I&S, w/ DIS ST 230 and CHID 230 C/I, (F)  
LSJ 327 Women's Rights as Human Rights (5) I&S, w/ POL S 327 C/I  
LSJ 331 The Politics of Race in the United States (5) I&S, w/ POL S 317 C/I  
LSJ 332 Disability and Society (5) I&S, w/ DIS ST 332 and CHID 332 C/I  
LSJ 433 Disability Law, Policy, and the Community (5) w/ DIS ST 433 and CHID 433 C/I  
LSJ 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for People with Disabilities (5) I&S, w/ DIS ST 434 and CHID 434 C/I  
LSJ 476 Miscarriages of Justice (5) I&S, w/ SOC 476 C/I Su
LSJ/CHID/DIS ST 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5) I&S C/I, (F) Au

Music (MUSIC)()

MUSIC 250 World Music (3) I&S/VLPA G, A/C Sp
MUSIC 331 History of Jazz (5) VLPA H, A/C  

Philosophy (PHIL)()

PHIL 206 Philosophy of Feminism (5) I&S, w/ POL S 212/GWSS 206 C/I
*Offered once a year

Physics (PHYS)()

PHYS 451 Issues for Ethnic Minorities and Women in Science and Engineering (5) I&S, w/ GWSS 485 C/I

Political Science (POL S)()

POL S 212 Philosophy of Feminism (5) I&S, w/ PHIL 206/GWSS 206 C/I
POL S 246 African American Politics (5) I&S, w/ AFRAM 246 C/I
POL S 306 Media, Society and Political Identity (5) I&S, w/ COM 306 C/I
POL S 313 Women in Politics (5) I&S, w/ GWSS 313 C/I
POL S 315 Black Identities and Political Power (5) I&S, w/ AFRAM 315 C/I
POL S 316 African-American Political and Social Thought (5) I&S C/I
POL S 317 The Politics of Race in the United States (5) I&S, w/ LSJ 331 C/I
POL S 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs (5) I&S, w/ SCAND 326 G
POL S 327 Women's Rights as Human Rights (5) I&S, w/ LSJ 327 C/I
POL S 331 Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (5) I&S G, H
POL S 432 Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism (5) I&S, w/ JSIS B 406 G
POL S 442 Government and Politics of China (5) I&S, w/ JSIS A 408 G, C/I

Psychology (PSYCH)()

PSYCH 250 Racism and Minority Groups (5) I&S C/I, (F) Sp
PSYCH 257 Psychology of Gender (5) I&S, w/ GWSS 257 C/I  
PSYCH 357 Psychobiology of Women (5) NW, w/ GWSS 357 C/I Sp, Su, Au

Scandinavian Studies (SCAND)()

SCAND 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs (5) I&S, w/ POL S 326 G  
SCAND 367 Sexuality in Scandinavia: Myth and Reality (5) I&S/VLPA G, C/I Sp

Sociology (SOC)()

SOC 467 Immigration and Ethnicity (5) I&S C/I
SOC 476 Miscarriages of Justice (5) I&S, w/ LSJ 476 C/I
SOC 487 Sociology of Gender and Sexuality (5) I&S C/I

Social Welfare (SOC WF)()

SOC WF 404 Cultural Diversity and Justice (5) I&S C/I

Spanish (SPAN)()

SPAN 332 Chicano Film and Narrative (5) I&S/VLPA, w/ CHSTU 332 H, A/C  
SPAN 465 Contemporary Chicano Literature (5) I&S/VLPA, w/ CHSTU 465 G, A/C Sp



A variety of options, including:

  • Internships
  • Service Learning
  • Independent Study
  • Volunteer Projects
  • Research Projects
  • Study Abroad
  • SOC WF 215 Intergroup Dialogues (3)
Contact the Diversity Minor Advisor for more information about the Applications Category; you will need to make sure your experience links with the goals of the minor to apply. Click here for a list of Diversity Minor Course Criteria.